ADHD is a brain-based disorder affecting over half a million adults & just under 300,000 children around Australia, so you are not alone if you or a loved one lives with it. It is currently diagnosed more in males than females but there is growing opinion that females are just as likely to be affected but in previous years their symptoms have not been as recognised.

There are three types that can be diagnosed, presenting the following ADHD symptoms:

Predominantly Inattentive Presentation

  • Difficulty in completing tasks
  • Challenges in beginning tasks even where there is a want or need
  • Disorganisation
  • Forgetfulness
  • Distractibility
  • Zoning Out
  • Misperception of time
  • Emotional Dysregulation

Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation

  • Hyperactivity
  • Hyperarousal
  • Trouble sitting still, waiting in line etc
  • Fidgety and always ‘on the go’
  • Have an inner sense of restlessness.
  • Impulsivity; hasty decisions, interrupting etc

Combined Presentation

  • A combination of the symptoms of the two types above

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects the brain in three different way, Brain Structure, Neural Networks & Neurotransmitters and it’s reported to originate from both genetics and environment.

We have found our clients’ lives, in part, have been impacted by ADHD in a non-desirable way. Common complaints include, not being able to complete important tasks, losings things frequently and intensity and lack of control over emotions. They seek out NeurOptimal Neurofeedback as a medication free, safe way to train their brain and by their account they have had found it a valuable and reliable tool to navigate the complicated symptoms of ADHD.

If you suspect you have ADHD, we do recommend you undertake a complete ADHD test by a qualified professional. It can be upsetting gaining a formal diagnosis and it is a lot to take on at first, but awareness generally leads to great personal insights and positive growth and we would love to be on the journey with you. Please make contact with us today if you want to know anything further.

“After being diagnosed with Adult ADHD I was beside myself. In a way it was good because I knew now that it was not completely my fault, it was my brain’s, but I was still so frustrated at the time I had lost. I read that Neurofeedback is good for ADHD and after trying it I was amazed at how clear I felt! Having a system at home helped too, Gema also offered great insight during the process” JH